Our story began in Cambodia.

Travel to Angkor Wat, in 2010…

Imagine a landscape, rich with monuments and architecture that illustrated a great civilization with skilled workers, astronomical prowess, and aesthetic mastery manifested.

The UNESCO World Heritage site annually draws millions of tourists to witness the current remains and ruins of such an impressive civilization.

It wasn’t so long ago that present day Cambodia had undergone one of the greatest genocides in history, and much was left to overcome in its wake.

Generations of educated and skilled laborers were wiped out and the remaining population were left to rebuild a kingdom.

History presents these scenrios far too often…

Meanwhile, the local economy does its best to benefit from the tourist industry drawn by their ancestors’ great achievements.

People find opportunities selling fruit and refreshments, giving tours, and providing gasoline to Tuk Tuks carrying tourists.

The artwork being sold amidst the ruins is particularly captivating – it is produced by students from a local school, taught by monks and volunteers.

It serves as an alternative to local schools that were reported to request illegal stipends from students who were not allowed to attend if they were unable to pay.

ArtBrick was inspired by the model of this small, independent institution operated by local monks in service of their community.

ArtBrick is founded on the idea that community wellness is achievable, and art can serve as an economic resource which we can leverage in service of our community.

ArtBrick aspires to provide a global marketplace for artists to expand their audience while profit-sharing with community centered-projects with which they align.

How it works

ArtBrick utilizes the economy of art to build better community foundations.  Here’s how it works…

Artists market, produce, and sell their work in a global marketplace while aligning with localized community wellness projects which they care about.

Community wellness projects, or Bricks, are proposed by members of the ArtBrick community, and approved by our editors. (Initially, project approval may be very limited so that we can ensure the each approved project is set up for success.  We are not interested in paying lip service to the cause.)

Patrons can purchase the art they love and a portion will fund a Brick with which the artist has aligned.


Patrons can directly support a Brick of their choice, and in exchange for their support, they will receive artwork from artists who are backing that cause.  Essentially, each Brick is a crowd-funded locally-targeted community wellness project financed by our art sales, auctions, and contests.

Open Call for Artists

As we prepare to launch, we are continuing to foster relationships with new artists and interested community organizations.  Please take a moment to register for an artist profile if you feel aligned with a human-centered art economy!