May you live in interesting times feels applicable in the current era. ArtBrick would like to tap into the minds of young artists, and develop a sense of what perspectives exist among you in the moments of today.
We welcome work across mediums, but it must display visually in a format that we can present in our publication which prints in a vertical 4×6,” pocket-book format. If you submit work (on the right), please remember to purchase an entry for $5.00 (below), which helps us facilitate the contest.
Eligibility & Contest Requirements:
Students and emerging artists, may submit a film or digital photograph, digital artwork, mixed media, painting, high resolution scan or presentational photograph of a textile or other medium that can be effectively presented in a small vertical print format.
The artwork should relate to the theme of Current Sentiments, and suggest or depict reflections of modern world events and affairs, sentiments regarding perception of the modern zeitgeist, and illustrations of the mass psyche in the modern era.
Every participant must pay a $5.00 entry fee, which you can pay here. Every purchase of ArtBrick’s 1st Print Edition includes an entry into the current contest. Every ArtBrick subscription includes a single entry in every competition hosted by ArtBrick for the duration of their subscription.
We will only consider contest submissions which we can match to the purchase of a contest-entry, or a print edition of ArtBrick.
Good Luck! We look forward to your submissions.